Friday 16 November 2007

Last day in Nanshan

Well, my time at the school in Nanshan has more or less come to an end.

I've met some great people here, taught some fantastic kids (and some not so fantastic ones). I've managed to endure apartments that are freezing cold with no heating and learnt a lot more about the Chinese people and culture (some of it still confuses me, some disgusts me and some just makes me laugh). I've learnt a little bit of Chinese (although not much) and I've been chucked in at the deep end a few times with a sea of 50 odd faces looking at me expecting me to teach them for 40 minutes.

It's all an experience - and that's what I came here for! :-)

I bought my bus ticket for Shanghai yesterday - it sets off tomorrow morning at 9.50am and gets into Shanghai about 5/6am the next day - I have a rough idea of the places I want to visit when I get there so hopefully will get around most of them. I'll add another blog post onto here when I get there...

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